Register with us

Are you a School, Care Home or Local Authority?

CERA Cycloan's Alternative Educational Provisions are aimed at re-engaging learners in a very practical way, supporting and empowering them to set their own goals whilst working within a structured curriculum. Our provisions are designed to improve a learner’s confidence and self-esteem, and help them develop the life skills they need to consider a new pathway.

Visit our School and Local Authority page to find more information about the engaging educational classes we offer.

If you are considering a referral in to us for a learner to access one of our engaging Alternative Educational Provisions, you need to register with us first, once we have recieved your registration request you will recieve an email inviting to to set up your personal login on our student management portal. We will then give you a call to discuss and arrange an induction for the learner this will allow them to make an informed choice in regards future attendance and ensuring your funding is best spent.

Please note: Once you have access to our student management portal, please do not make a referral until the prospective student has had an induction and made an informed choice to attend with us. Once a referral is completed and submitted, this is a binding document committing you to fulfill payment your booking, we would advise you to complete the following before you make your referral:

• Speak with us about a proposed booking 0161 474 0990

• Ensure your young person has had a free induction

• Ensure you have funding in place to satisfy the booking


Are you a new organisation wanting to register with CERA Cycloan? Please fill out the registartion form below where you will be invited to our student management portal.

If you are already registered with CERA Cycloan, please log in here .

    Which service are you registering with us from?

    Who is completing this registration with us?

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